Goats normally kid at 150 days +/- 5. On Wednesday, Farrah was at day 153. Anna came into the house about 7 and announced that Farrah was in the kidding stall and had some mucas discharge. Some friends who live a couple of miles down the road were interested in seeing what signs of kidding are, so they came over. About 8, we went to check on Farrah and she was in early labor. Vicki and our friend’s daughter got to hang out in the shed watch for a while. Things didn’t really progress, so the girls went to bed around 9. As the evening continued, Farrah’s labor didn’t improve.
By 10:30, it was time to intervene. I gloved up and reached in and found back legs. The kid was in breach position and I was not at all able to rotate the baby. We had no choice but to pull him out back leg first. Once the kid was out, he was not breathing. Despite our best efforts to clear lungs and do goat CPR, the kid never revived. He was a 10.9lb buckling. There were no other kids. Farrah will get some antibiotics to help prevent infection and we have already begun milking her. We will dump the antibiotic laced milk and then start harvesting for the family.
A disappointing start to kidding season. Hopefully Maggie will do better. She is due in 4 days.
Life changes
As many of our friends have alreay heard, we may be moving. I am still transferring on order to Newport in May, however, the house we have been leasing for the past 2.5 years will be put on the market for sale this summer. We are considering buying it, but we are also looking at other properties for comparison of what our money can buy. In fact, Anna and I are spending the day today with our real estate agent looking at properties in Eastern CT and RI. Lots of things are in consideration. While we enjoy having a farm, we might have to significantly downsize. It would be tough to move since the kids are settled in to the schools and we feel like part of the community. However, if the deal isn’t right, we won’t buy the house we are in. We just ask for thoughts and prayers as we figure out this change in life.
Farewell to Dillon
Tonight we said goodbye to Dillon. Dillon was a 1yo Border Collie mix we took from a rescue just before Christmas. While he was very sweet, had good leash manners, and got along great with Mack, we were having problems. Dillon was getting aggressive with the horses, and had starting jumping at the faces of the ponies. Additionally, he was consistently running away whenever off leash. So, we talked to the rescue, and the wished for us to rehome him locally. After 2 weeks and a number of inappropriate candidates, we finally found what we hope will be a good home for Dillon. Mack might be a little depressed, but I think he will appreciate more focused attention from the family (the kids like him better).
Blizzard Feb 2013
Is it Nemo or Charlotte. Depends on tgr channel you watch. The name of the blizzard really doesn’t matter. We spent Thursday evening doing some extra prep for the storm, including loading extra hay into the horse barn. The snow started Friday morning just before 8. Within 15 minutes, the driveway way coated. Here are the Friday, 2/8/13 8am pictures.
By Friday afternoon, it had been snowing 6 hrs and we had 2-3″. We did the evening chores, first round of driveway plowing, and came inside. A rabbit was roasting in the oven and kids were playing Xbox when the power went out at 6pm. Definitely earlier than expected.
We changed dinner plans and moved all the bedding into the living room by the wood stove. Of course, it’s almost 75F in the living room, so I might have to change where I am sleeping.
Anna and I went out together to check on all the animals. They are all huddled up in shelters. We have somewhere between 12-16″ of snow already and it is blowing hard. The barn has drifts approaching 3′ against the East (windward) doors. The trees are VERY heavy with snow. We have branches leaning on the power lines to the house. Last I checked, North Stonington had over 1100 customers without power. We can run the generator in the morning to water the animals. I also might be using the Kubota to clear the driveway. The kids will probably appreciate if I pile all the snow in one spot.
Now the family is enjoying tea with water heated in a kettle on the wood stove. While I wouldn’t want to do this all the time, it is kind of cozy.
Life on the fringe
Anna and I frequently find ourselves “on the fringe” of society. What I mean by that is, we have moved away from much of what most Americans consider mainstream. Why? Primarily because the more we educate ourselves on decisions, the less we trust “corporate America”. While we are very confident in our choices, we are always willing to learn more. However, there must be actual factual background for choices and not just because it is what everyone else does. Here are some examples:
Goat milk. We chose to get dairy goats with the sole reason of using them for milk for our family. While the stats vary according to the source, in general, it is estimated that about 70% of the world’s population consumes goat milk. In the US, we drink goat milk, and we are on the fringe.
Raw milk. Not only is the milk we drink from a goat, it is UNPASTEURIZED! That’s right. We just filter and chill the milk. Do you think that the 70% of the world drinking goat milk have pasteurization machines in the kitchen? I completely understand why pasteurization exists – to cleanse milk of bacteria/contamination that is likely to be present on large-scale productions. However, it is very clear that unpasteurized milk can be safely produced and consumed on small-scale operations (like a family farm).
Raising our own meat. Our kids know the rabbits in the cages will be raised as meat. The chickens will give us eggs, and then they too will be dinner. You know what? They are not traumatized by this, because they don’t have illusions that meat comes from a mysterious factory in another place. Our children understand the life cycle better than some adults I have met. Choosing to raise meat, that isn’t injected with antibiotics, somehow puts us on the fringe. About 100 years ago we would have been considered normal.
Barefoot horses. Facts: horses in the wild do not have shoes, do not get trimmed by humans, do not exhibit many of the pathologies and hoof problems in domestic horses, and live longer. Yet, with all that reality, somehow Americans have become convinced that barefoot horses are the oddballs! I seriously have to defend the choice to leave shoes off or remove shoes from horses! Why don’t owners who have shod horses have to defend their choice since that is the unnatural path? Owning horses without metal plates nailed to hooves puts us on the fringe.
Rejecting chemical fertilizers. We choose to not use chemicals in our gardens, on our grass, in the pastures, or otherwise around the farm whenever possible. I’m not saying there is never a time and place for that, but we don’t feel the default choice should be a chemical. Organic practices put us on the fringe.
TV shows. There are some tv shows that I will not watch based on principle. I have never, and will never, watch American Idol, solely due to the name. I refuse to encourage or support the idolization of individuals in society. And yes, it extends way beyond tv. I heard there was a football game on tv yesterday. I didn’t watch it, because I am disappointed in the pedestal our society places professional athletes upon; the same athletes who are frequently poor role models.
Cooking. We (usually Anna but me too) cook food. I mean with actual ingredients. For example, Anna made cookies, and it didn’t involve a single box with 1 egg and water. Our kids look forward to special occasions because it means they might get to have a soda (there are none in the house). Dinner at a restaurant is exciting to the kids. McDonald’s is a rare treat. Sure, there are some quick and easy dinner options in the cabinet or freezer, but they are the exception around here. And by the way, we threw out all our non-stick and only cook in cast iron or stainless steel.
Church. We go to church regularly. This creates conflicts with horse shows, goa t shows, kid activities etc. People are surprised when you say Sunday morning is a conflict because you go to church. When did going to church become something for those on the fringe?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging those who differ in opinions. I just can’t quite grasp how society seems to have shifted so much, that what was mainstream 100 years ago, has left us on the fringe…
Goat’s milk – by the numbers
Since our last doe has been dried up and we are getting ready for kidding season, I closed out the milk records for last season. If you are not familiar with the dairy industry, milk production is actually tracked and discussed by weight (pounds of milk), not volume. While it was obvious on a day-to-day basis what the production of the goats was, we decided last June to start tracking it for analysis (I am an engineer after all). So, after each milking, we would weigh the milk for the doe and record it on a sheet in the milking area. Then, at the end of the month, I entered the data into a spreadsheet.
This year, we had 4 goats in milk. We chose to only milk 1 time a day because it provided enough milk for us and reduced the chore load in the evenings. When we dropped to 1 time a day, we saw the daily total for each goat drop by about 30%. Lilly was sold shortly after starting the records, so she is excluded from the totals. Here is how the others did.
Saffron – Lamancha, first freshener. 283 days in milk. 840 lbs produced. 3.0lbs avg per day over entire cycle.
Tang – Lamancha, first freshener. 266 days in milk. 656 lbs produced. 2.5lbs avg per day over entire cycle.
Betty – Oberhasli, second freshener. 303 days in milk. 565 lbs produced. 1.9lbs avg per day over entire cycle.
Total for the 3 goats: 2061 lbs, or about 257 gallons. If we were purchasing raw cow milk, it would have a value of $2570. If we were purchasing raw goat milk, it would have a value of $5140. If we were purchasing the milk, we probably wouldn’t use as much as we do.
We had already observed that our Oberhasli’s don’t produce nearly as much as the Lamanchas. Therefore, if we decided to change to a single breed, it would be Lamanchas. Of course, we are not in this from a maximum production standpoint.
Conclusions. We use a lot of milk. It is cheaper to raise your own goats for milk than to buy milk.
It’s so cold…
2 degrees and 47% humidity this morning. Made it all the way into the teens during the day. How cold is it?
The eggs are freezing IN THE COOP! We keep feeding the frozen eggs to the dogs, so they are happy.
I spilled water on my jacket while watering rabbits. My jacket didn’t get wet because the water instantly froze on my sleeve.
I had a runny nose and ended up with snotcicles.
The horse poop is freezing to the ground from the moisture content. We need a shovel to break the pieces free.
My truck almost didn’t crank with the heater block plugged in!
I came in from doing chores and picked up some frozen meat to prep for dinner. It warmed my hands!
A new home for Milo
Next weekend, Milo will be leaving us to go to a new home. The young woman who will be taking him has more time for the training he needs. While we only had him about 2 months, we were able to make significant improvements on his hooves. I just hope they allow him to continue to heal without shoeing. He has also calmed a lot since we brought him home.
The reason we decided not to keep him is, we really don’t need multiple horses for adults and we have plenty of projects. If we are going to spend the money to keep extra horses, they need to be suitable for the kids to ride and grow with. Milo didn’t fit that requirement, so we found him a good home.
Family dogs
Ok, so it’s a concussion
Yesterday, during a trail ride, I got thrown off Calli. You can read about how it happened in Training Calli #2. Yesterday evening, I had a mild headache but no significant issues. This morning, my headache had shifted from the back of my head more towards the front. When I turned my head quickly to the side, it would make me a little dizzy/disoriented and I was having a little occasional nausea. So, I went to the Dr.
Diagnosis: concussion.
Recommendation: don’t get thrown off horses. Also sending me to get a rain CT scan to make sure there is no internal bleeding.
I am replacing my Tipperary helmet, even though I can’t see damage to the structure.
Every ride, every time. That is the name of a video in Pony Club about helmet safety and a mantra we live by on our farm. No one rides a horse at our place without a helmet. This is why.