Senior Does


2024 LA 09-05 90 EVEV

Retired and dry for 2025

DOB 2/4/2015

Phaylene is our beautiful black and tan aged doe. Phaylene excels in general appearance. She is a deep bodied doe, standing tall on her feet and legs at her age. She has a well attached udder with nice teat placement. Phaylene scored a 90 EVEV on her LA as a 9 year old.

Phaylene won Best Senior Lamancha at the Big E 4-H show in 2022.


DOB 2/20/21

2022 LA 01-05 VEVV 86

2024 LA 03-05 VVVE 89

We purchased Carolina in the fall of 2023, because Rob just loved her when he saw her in 2022. She is a long, beautiful black and tan doe, with a nice level topline, a lovely general appearance and a capacious mammary. Carolina is super easy to hand milk because she has large orifices. She has a sweet demeanor and is not a trouble maker in the herd. Carolina finished her championship with two GCH wins at the North Country Showcase in 2024. Carolina was linear appraised in 2022 as a FF with a score of 86 VEVV. Her LA score in 2024 was a VVVE 89.

Some photos of Carolina property of and courtesy of From away Farm.


DOB 4/11/2021

2024 LA 03-03 VGVG 85

Camellia is one of the most loveable, yet powerful does on the farm. Excelling in general appearance and body capacity as well as parasite resistance. Raised as a bottle baby she is always up at the fence demanding attention. She’s easy to milk and handle. Amanda used her as a showmanship goat when she was a dry yearling and she is easy to show. Camellia has that Holstein goat look down pat and usually throws some colorful kids. She has a definite will to milk, and produced well over a gallon a day as a FF. Camellia aborted in 2024 due to Cache Valley Virus, but still milked over a gallon on an abortion lactation.

Amanda and Camellia at the Big E in 2023.


DOB 3/12/2022

2024 LA 02-04 GAVV 83

We bought Chili in 2022 from Erin Griner in VA. She is a black and tan doe with frosted ears and nose. She has a feminine dairy type character with an elegant general appearance. Chili is definitely the type that matures a little slower, but we expect she will be a great addition to our herd. Chili won GCH and BOB Recorded Grade at the Nutmeg CT ADGA show in May 2024, and a Reserve GCH at the Blandford Fair ADGA Show in MA in 2024.

Chili is a recorded grade, due to her sire being excluded from the registry. The exclusion was based on a DNA error on a sibling littermate to her SDS, Welshans-Acres E Pharaoh. The DNA error has stayed unresolved. Her sire’s sire was Autumn Acres EE Emblem ( and her sire’s dam Little Orchard WP Ember Chili’s kids will be recorded grade as well.

Chili’s dam Little Orchard CD Hot in Paris appraised LA91 EEVE as a five year old in 2023.

Paris rear udder

Photos of Little Orchard CD Hot in Paris property of and courtesy of Erin Griner at Lucky 4-Leaf Lamanchas .


DOB 2/18/2023

2024 LA 01-05 GGEG 84

Porsche is Camellia’s daughter from 2023. She is a broken black and tan doe. She was a powerful yearling milker in 2024. Porsche excels in body capacity and has a promising mammary with a 38 RUA and producing over a gallon a day as a FF.


DOB 03/16/23

Ferrari is Phaylene’s daughter from 2023. Ferrari is a broken black and tan doe with very unique and colorful markings. Ferrari will be a 2 year old FF in 2025 and we look forward to seeing her mature.

Ferrari 1st and Chrysi 2nd at the Windham 4-H fair


DOB 4/16/23

Tesla is the sweetest baby on the farm. She’s a long mild mannered doe with a lot of rear width. Her dam Rainbow was heavy milker and we expect Tesla to follow in her mother’s footsteps.


DOB 3/3/2024

Bali is one of our keeper doelings from 2024. She is a loud broken black and tan doe with a wide blaze on her head. She is tall and growthy and stayed healthy and fat throughout 2024, which made us decide to breed her as a yearling milker. We are looking forward to seeing her fresh.

Bali pedigree

Bali third in lineup between Tesla and Mina Big E October 2024.

The story of our lives with horses. And goats.