Horse sledding

This afternoon the kids and I (Anna) decided to try sledding behind King. After some initial testing I decided he didn’t care about the sled behind him and since the kids didn’t have the strength to hold on I tied the ropes to the sled. Probably not the safest venture but the ropes were tied on with very breakable baling twine. The kids had a blast!!! They wore their helmets as did I of course. Next we need some plastic skis and a tow rope…










Snowy trails

Last night, we got another 5″ or so of fresh snow dumped on the farm.  After clearing the driveway (again), clearing paths to/from the barn (again), breaking ice (again), and finishing morning chores, we came in for coffee.  We were originally scheduled to trailer ponies to a pony club games practice, but it was cancelled. So, Anna and I decided to call the next door neighbor for some babysitting after lunch.  We saddled up King and Calli and headed out for a trail ride.  There was over a foot of snow on the trails.  Mack got to come along, but Turbo stayed home.  We did encounter fresh snow mobile tracks, but no actual machines and no people.  We got to work on Calli and crossing icy water.  We will need to continue to build this skill.  We spent an hour on the trails, and even though we only walked, I think the horses got a pretty good workout trudging through the winter wonder land.

Lucy also got to venture out into the snow with her kids, Red Maple and Oak.

Kidding season has begun!

Cedarfields Lucy kicked off our goat kidding season this afternoon.   Vicki was diligently checking in her all day and came in for a brief time at lunch. She informed us Lucy was very close.    Sure enough, when Vicki got back out, she rushed in to tell us Lucy was kidding and feet were showing.   We went out and after a while, decided to help things along.   This was Lucy’s first and she needed a little help.   A healthy 6.8lb buckling came first and was quickly followed by a 5.3lb doeling.

We only name girls starting out, and this year our naming theme is trees.

Lucy’s doeling is Sawyer Farm’s Red Maple!




Biking in the house

We finally got motivated to bring the CycleOps bike trainer out of the basement and into the den.  A little Pandora for music and we are all set to ride the bikes inside.  Last night I took mine for a test ride.  Vicki was begging to bring hers up too, so a quick adjustment was made and she got to ride.  Given the tire doesn’t reach the resistance flywheel, so she is just spinning with the resistance of the gears on her bike.  That said, she rode on the trainer for 40 minutes while listening to Kids Bop.


Then we adjusted the setup for Anna’s bike.  She plans to get comfortable enough on the trainer with proper riding attire and the clip in shoes so we can ride outside in the spring.


Playing in the forest

One advantage of living next to state forest is the kids have a lot of places to play.  After lunch today we sent them to play. They had told us they were working on shleters.  Ok.  Then they came back to the house to get rugs or towels for bedding in the shelter. We let them take a wagon of hay. Eventually we went to see what they were building for shelter.




Makin’ Bacon! An adventure in smoking meat

As you probably know, last fall we decided to raise 2 pigs.  We sold 1 (in 2 halves) and kept the other one for our family.  Our ~200lb live pig yielded about 125lbs of meat.  However, our butcher doesn’t smoke meat, so instead of paying someone else, we decided to smoke our own meat.

First, I had to take the pork belly which was a full side of bacon and break it down into smaller pieces for curing.  One of the problems (in our opinion) is most of the bacon you purchase in the grocery store is cured with chemicals and given “artificial smoke flavor”.  So, with a little reading online and some Youtube videos, I decided to use a very basic cure: 2lbs of brown sugar mixed with 1 cup of Kosher salt.  I mixed the dry ingredients, sliced each side of pork belly into thirds, and rubbed the pieces with the mixture.  Each pork belly was about 11lbs of meat with the skin still on.


Then we vacuum packed the meat and put it in the refrigerator for 12 days.  We also cured 1 of our hams and left the other one uncured.


We already had a large 6′ grill.  Last fall I was going to sell it because we didn’t use it much, but I didn’t get any legit interest, so we decided to keep it.  The problem with the grill is the way it is built makes it very hard to control the temperature in the grill when cooking with charcoal and adding more charcoal requires shifting the cooking surface.  So I wheeled the grill into the garage to make some changes.

20140114_143334I had done some reading about smoker designs and decided to add a side mounted fire-box to funnel the smoke into the grill without using direct heat.

20140126_094039One of the decisions was whether I was going to cold smoke, or hot smoke the meat.  Other than the obvious temperature implication from the names, there is a bigger fundamental difference.  Cold smoking the meat imparts flavor into the meat at low temperature, while frequently debated, less than 120F is a commonly referenced, but less than 90F is generally considered better.  Hot smoking is done at temperatures above 120F but generally closer to 165F.  Hot smoking imparts flavor too, however, it also actually cooks the meat, which is not what I wanted to do.  I decided to cold smoke our bacon and ham.  Once I had the charcoal hot and the apple wood smoking, I loaded the grill with meat.

20140126_09410420140126_094057I had a few strategically placed thermometers to monitor the temperature.  It didn’t take long to figure out the meat directly over where the firebox connection was would be hot smoked if I left it there.  Luckily, with a 6′ long grill, I was able to quickly rearrange the meat to the other end.  For the next 5 hours, our meat was smoked at about 75F (it was in the teens outside).

20140126_115244The butcher had allowed me to borrow his slicer, so after cooling the meat, I cut the skin off the bacon and ham.  The ham went straight into the oven for dinner.  The bacon was put in the freezer for a few hours to stiffen for slicing.

20140126_210024Small farm pigs don’t give the same big huge slices of bacon that you get in the store.  But, we did manage to get the bacon sliced as much as possible.

20140126_210016 In the end, our pig gave us about 10lbs of packaged bacon, which means we lost just over 50% in weight from the starting point through the juices extracted by the cure and trimming the skin off the bacon.  Before the night was over, we tossed a few sample scraps on the stove.  The meat was very sweet (from the brown sugar) and had great flavor.  It was a fun experience, but I don’t think I will be going into the bacon business any time soon.20140126_210003

Truck batteries

My F350 has 2 batteries. Big batteries. It takes a lot of power to turn over a 7.3L diesel engine. Since I bought my Jetta for commuting the truck doesn’t get driven as much.
Our horse trailer has been in the shop for 3+ weeks getting service, repairs, and some custom work I wanted done to make it a little nicer. Tomorrow after work I will pick it up. This will be the second time it has been driven this month. So, since it usually needs to be jumped to crank after a week or two in these temps, I decided to check tonight instead of before work. It was dead. As in less than 8V in the battery. And then the jumper cables melted the contacts in the cable clamps trying to recharge the truck.
Time for new heavier cables. And probably 2 new batteries.  I wish batteries would last more than 18 months in this truck.

Kid chores

The kids have to help daily with animal chores, but as they have been getting a little older, the scope of chores has expanded. Since it was a snow day and we were all home, Alex and Vicki cooked lunch. Vicki made Swedish pancakes and Alex cooked waffles – Vicki already has her recipe memorized. Alex quizzed Anna and wrote it down to reference (no mixes).
Afterwards, Alex read to Amanda for rest time and Vicki listened in too.

Supposedly they are cooking dinner tonight.

The story of our lives with horses. And goats.