Sometimes, it takes a glimpse into what someone else is dealing with in their life, to make you understand, it’s not as bad as you think in your own life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful for what we have. The family is healthy, we have a place to live, and a stable income. But some things, like finding out you will never get another promotion, can be distracting and upsetting. But that’s not really all bad. Especially compared to others we know.
Like my cousin Cliff Powell and his wife Tamika. Less than 3 weeks ago, they were blindsided with the news that Tamika has a serious tumor in her chest. They have 4 kids, the oldest of which is only 14. Tamika started Chemo today.
Our a client/friend that I just found out had a brain tumor removed earlier this month.
Or a long time family friend combating stage 4 cancer.
Or a family watching a loved one slip away through Alzheimer’s.
The trials we face in life a hard within our own world. But others are dealing with so much more, that sometimes it requires a reality check. Whatever it is, it’s not as bad as you think. This too, shall pass.
Right before making this post, I saw someone had posted this song on FB. Check it out.