Happy Birthday to Anna

Today was Anna’s birthday – she turned 28…

For her birthday, Vicki showed up at our bed side with a cup of coffee to help her wake up.  During the day, Vicki (our resident 8 year old baker) made the birthday cake.  She uses Anna’s tablet to find a recipe and only cooks from scratch.  Today, she baked a chocolate cake, made the icing including 2 colors, and decorated the cake.  She started decorating before the cake was completely cooled, which caused some collapsing, however, it was still a very good.

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If your horse is fretful…

This afternoon Alex and I went trail riding. I rode King, and Alex rode Dakota. Alex grumbled a little for making him leave his game on the computer but then went to tack up his pony. After we crossed the water behind out barn we picked up a trot. We rode for an hour, trotting and even cantering, walking only when necessary, crossing water, going down majorly washed out rocky trails and zig zaging through downed trees. Dakota was such a rock star, no spook, no stop, climbing up and down and over stuff without jostling Alex out of his saddle. He even carefully climbed over a two foot log.  King, who recently has been a handful jigging back to the barn was a pleasure to ride today, albeit a little out of shape. Recently Rob and I watched an 80s outdated endurance dvd about conditioning and one of the veterinarians stated “if your horse is fretful, you are not giving him enough exercise”. Apparently, horses are related to my husband and require exercise to mellow…
I really am looking forward to taking my family of riders to some hunter paces this year.

Another good ride

Since Anna’s parents are in town, we have had some extra help around and been able to get in a little more riding this week. In fact, today was my third ride on Calli in under a week.  It was a nice mid fifties afternoon, Anna rode Precious, and I work with Calli.

I hate arena work – it’s boring.  I would be much happier if Anna would train Calli and I could just show up and ride at a show or hunter pace.  But alas, Anna feels I should have some role in training my own horse.

So, it was a circles, bending, transitions sort of day.  And it went pretty well.  Calli is showing that she can actually work.  I started some lateral work.  And then I wrapped it up with some cross rails.

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Alex’s first 5k

Today was the inaugural Colonel Classic 5k in Ledyard.  Alex and I signed up and this was his first ever 5k.  The course wasn’t exactly flat and it was about 42F when we started.  Amanda came along for a ride in the stroller.  Alex still needs to grasp the concept of pacing, because he tended to sprint for a few seconds, then walk.  Eventually (around the 2 mile point), I gave up on convincing him to run a steady pace and we fell into a run/walk routine.  1:00 run, 30 sec walk.  That worked well for keeping him moving.  I also threatened that if he gave up, we would eat okra soup for lunch, but if he kept the 1:00/:30 routine, I would let him have Subway.  About 1/4 mile from the finish, his friend Jack (who was watching his Dad run) met us along the route and ran back to the finish with Alex.

Alex’s first 5k was a time of 42:14, which equates to a 13:37/mile pace.  Not too bad considering the hills.  Best of all, he said he actually had fun!

Spring = Trail riding and training Calli

It was over 50F this afternoon which was perfect weather for riding the horses.  Vicki and her best friend Alexis (who takes riding lessons with Anna) hopped off the bus, had a quick snack, and headed to the barn.  A short while later, they headed out on the trails – Alexis on Huey, Vicki on Devil, and Anna on King.  It was Alexis’ first trail ride and they had a good time.  When they got back, the group went to the arena for a little more riding and Amanda grabbed her helmet for a turn on Huey too.

By the time the girls got back, I had finished trimming Calli’s hooves and Alex and I saddled up.  Alex mounted Dakota, while I was finishing in the barn with Calli. I heard a scuffle and then the sound of a running pony.  I darted out of the barn with Calli in tow to find Alex on the ground at the start of the trail and Dakota about 50 yards away.  Alex got up, brushed off, and slowly made his way to catch his pony.  He and Dakota returned to the barnyard.  By this time, Anna had arrived on scene and held Dakota as Alex mounted.  Exactly what happened wasn’t clear, but it seems Dakota started walking away from the mounting block when Alex got on and Alex lost his balance.  As his weight shifted around, it spooked Dakota more, eventually leading to Alex coming off.  Luckily, no injuries.

So, Alex and I headed out.  What would make this ride interesting was the high volume of rain we had last weekend.  Every low area and creek was still flooded and Calli isn’t known for her confidence crossing water.  This time, I tried a different approach.  Our first water crossing after leaving the barn is about 150 yards down the trail.  With the amount of rain we had, it is over 15′ wide, but only about 1 foot deep at the middle.  Calli was nervous as soon as she saw the shimmer.  So, I hopped off and lead her through the creek.  I had planned for this and wore appropriate boots.  I was also riding Calli in her new Dr. Cook’s bitless bridle set up with roping reins to make it easy for me to take have extra length to lead her as needed without being too close if she spooked.

It is hard to describe, but as I led her through, I felt her calm down.  Everything about her behavior and body language signaled it.  It was clear, she immediately trusted me more because I walked through the water with her.  After that, I mounted and we headed on down the trail.  When we came to the next water, Calli walked right through.  Calli balked a couple of times at the third water crossing, but before I got off, the same calm came over her and she walked into the middle of the water, and reached down for a drink.  While she stood there, Dakota (who had hung back as Calli threw her small fit) walked into the water with us.  I wished there was someone on the side with a camera to catch the Alex and I on the horses in the water.

For the rest of the ride, Calli didn’t hesitate at any of the water we encountered.  In total, we did 12-15 water crossings during our 40 minute ride.

The only other real excitement was while Alex and I were trotting down a road through the forest.  We were almost side be side, when I saw panic come over his face and he started to slide right.  At first I thought his saddle was rolling off Dakota’s back.  I quickly stopped Calli, which caused Dakota to slow and allowed Alex to stop.  It turns out, Alex had lost his right stirrup, and by lost, I mean his entire stirrup leather and iron had come off the stirrup bar and was laying in the road behind us.  Nothing was broken, so I don’t know why it came off.

It definitely unsettled Alex, but a few minutes and a few water crossings later, we trotted along again.  In the end, we had an awesome ride.  Alex got thrown before the ride started, but got back on and did the ride.  Calli overcame her water issues.  And when we got home, Anna was exercising Precious in the arena.  All 6 horses got ridden, and everyone in the family participated.  It should be a good summer with a lot more rides!

A mental note

This morning as I went about my chores I let Pocohontas out of the kidding stall noting that her udder looked bigger than last year and bigger than yesterday. Considering she was a week overdue I felt that was good news. I fed her, noted her ligaments were pretty loose and that udder pretty tight so I stuck her back in the kidding stall making a mental note to check on her after finishing the other chores. Since I spent Saturday tired after checking on her all night Friday-Saturday, I wasn’t getting excited. Maybe just another false alarm. So I went about my chores. An hour later as I passed by the stall I heard little goat kid squeaks in there and was surprised to find two new babies!
Poco had two bucklings and they are strong and both up and nursing shortly after birth. Amanda and I named them Chestnut (the red one) and Black Walnut (black one).
I have to say Poco is a keeper mom, she has easy deliveries and takes good care of her babies. Now back to that giant pile of laundry waiting for me from this weekend…






Tri again

After sciatic nerve problems and a concussion that took 11 months to resolve, I was finally able to resume training. On Thursday of last week, I competed in an indoor triathlon at the gym on base in Newport.  The transitions between events didn’t count towards the totals, only the events themselves.  Here is how I fared:

8:40 for 450m swim

22:33 for 10 miles on a spin bike

13:04 for 2 miles on an indoor track that is 12 laps to the mile

Overall, I was 9th out of 53 participants and, while my swim needs work, it was great to be able to Tri again!

Bringing home the bacon

Last weekend, we picked uo 3 young shoats (that’s farm speak for pigs). They will be raised until June and then will be participating in the freezer restocking program.  
The last pigs we raised were on organic, GMO free, soy free feed.  While the meat was good and we believe in the principles of organic feed, the cost is just too high.  It was a hard choice, but we have decided to keep our farm on commercial feed due to the significant cost difference.   Regardless of the feed decision, we still firmly believe the locally raised meat is safer and healthier because there are NO antibiotics given to the animals.




The story of our lives with horses. And goats.