Sawyer Family Farm on the move

After nearly 3 months of searching for a place to buy and having 3 locations chosen, only to fall through, we gave up the search and began to look for a lease option.  We had been continuously watching the rental market for another farm that might fit our needs.  We talked with a couple of others who were considering selling or leasing, but timing just wasn’t working out.  And then, today, I discovered a brand new posting of a farm for lease on Craigslist.  I immediately called, and after an outside only tour with Anna and the kids, met with the owners this evening to see the interior.  I signed the lease on the spot for a 3 year lease.

The farm is 4 acres in Griswold.  The house is 2,900 sqft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath.  The girls will likely share a bedroom, but there is plenty of space in the house.  There is a full, unfinished basement and a 2 car garage.  8 stall barn.  The entire 4 acres is usable, which is actually more space than we have been using on the 6 acres where we are now.  While there is no arena, there are plenty of flat paddocks to put in an arena.  The house is getting some updates, however, the appliances and floors will still be a little outdated.  But that is fine for our family.  We will have to do some fence repairs, but that’s better than having to clear land.

And the property directly borders Pachaug State Forest.  Like, ride out the back on the state land and trails.  And it is just about a mile from Mt Misery and only a few hundred yards from linking up with the equestrian trails.  Oh yeah – how about hunting right out the back door (and the neighbors were already complaining about the number of deer eating the apples off trees).

We had already begun preps for the moving potential.  Now it is a matter of choosing what sells, and what goes.  The good news is, all the animals can go (although we may reduce our chicken flock).

The kids will be changing schools in the fall, but I think that will work out fine.

Emotionally and mentally drained

Over 11 weeks ago, we found out the owners of our farm (that we have been leasing for 2.5 years) would not extend our lease another 3 years like I hoped.  Instead, they plan to sell it.  We have been looking at properties ever since.  Should we buy this one with some problems (the devil we know)?  Should we buy that one which is cheaper but doesn’t have a barn?  Should we buy the one that has a tiny house with lots of land?  Should we give up on farming and board the horses?  Should we lease something and not buy at all.  Anna and I have been having these conversations every night for over 2 months.  To say it adds some stress is an understatement.

Three times we made up our minds and decided the path to take.  Three times we found out the path was a dead-end road.  I was hoping by now to have a major announcement of what we were doing.  Instead, tonight, we are getting a cup of tea and resuming the same discussions that have plagued us for 11+ weeks.

In the end, we know life goes on. And we know our family will get through this, regardless of the decision.  However, based on the point of my career in the military and the age of the kids, this move seems to have more significant long-term impact that any before it.  We have pondered for a long time.  We are rapidly approaching deadlines to make a decision, even if not the best decision.  We have a fixed window to execute the move, because a farm is a lot to move.

So for now, the suspense continues until we have a decision.  For everyone who thinks they know which way we are leaning, you are wrong.  Because we don’t know.  And the options we were considering are not necessarily still valid.

Meet Norman! (and other farm announcements)

IMG_1521 IMG_1522Do you remember the movie City Slickers?  Norman was the calf that Billy Crystal took home to NY after his adventure out West.  In the movie, Norman was a Jersey calf, even though there were no Jerseys in the herd they were moving, but I digress.

Our Norman is a Holstein calf that we purchased from Valley View Farm.  Last year, we bought half of a veal calf raised on goat milk from our friends at Cedars of Lebanon Farm. The meat was fabulous, and since we have a decent size herd of goats (milking 5, 2 more due this month), we decided to give it a try ourselves.  So, Norman is being raised for meat, like many of the animals on our farm.

Additionally, we now have some new pages online.  Check out our CSA Options and CSA FAQs.  While we are not offering the veal as a CSA, we have consolidated all of our pricing and meat availability on our CSA Options page.

Keeping you in suspense

So, Anna and I haven’t really posted a whole lot of substance lately on our website.  It is because we have been debating many things in our life and making some very difficult decisions about how we want to raise our kids.  Do we want to operate a farm?  Is it worth it financially and based on the time commitment? Many of these questions and more will be answered very soon.  While I am not going to really tell you anything right now, we have some very significant changes coming up in the near future.  Some things we are going to do more of.  Some things we are going to do less of (but there always seems to be more added than taken away).

For our loyal customers, we have a few exciting announcements coming up in the near future about meat products and what we plan to do this year.

So, stay tuned!

A busy, happy Easter

This morning the very excited kids searched the yard for all the eggs left by the Easter Bunny. The it was time for quick chores and off to church.
After lunch, the whole family headed outside to work on Spring horse paddock cleaning. Amanda was pretty worn out and wanted to come in and watch some Baby Einstein. She is at the age of refusing to nap but still needs it. Today, she was tired enough to fall asleep sitting up during the show.
Alex has been learning to lunge his pony before riding and Vicki is working on balance riding bareback.
Anna and I are even going to have time to ride and hopefully clean the tack room before evening chores and dinner.
We should all sleep well tonight
Happy Easter!


how I ran 2 very important miles today

This afternoon, the temps were about 54F.  So, I put on my running SHORTS! and strapped Amanda into the jogging stroller.  Alex hopped on his bike, and I got out the nicer leash for Mack to come along.  And then, we ran (Alex biked) for just over a mile, turned around, and ran back.  It was at about a 9:30 pace, which is pretty slow for me.  My legs are already a little sore.  Oh yeah, that is the FIRST time I have been running since my concussion in early January.

The past two weeks have been significant improvements for me.  While yesterday, I did come home from work with a migraine bad enough I needed to take some meds and head to bed, that was the first time I had to nap in over a week.  In fact, I have only taken meds for a headache about 2 times in the past 2 weeks.

While I know I am not back to 100% and I don’t intend to rush things, it is nice to finally feel like I am making progress.  I am also happy to report that I no longer need the reading glasses prescribed by the optometrist.

Are you kidding? A crazy day on the farm

Today was the first Saturday in a while that didn’t have kid swimming lessons at 8:30. Since Anna and I were up late (again) talking about the decision of which house to buy, we decided to sleep in. So, when Alex and Vicki showed up in the bedroom at 6:45, we sent them to play and rolled over in bed. By the time we got up and ready for chores, the kids were driving me nuts. I sent them outside to check on Mary and Betty, 2 of the Oberhaslis due to kid today. Since I checked them at 11:30 last night, I didn’t expect any surprises.
I was caught off guard when Alex came running in yelling “Mary has a baby sticking out her butt!” We grabbed our jackets and ran out the door. Anna moved Mary into the kidding stall. She was obviously in distress and the kid’s face and feet were starting to dry off. Anna quickly pulled the buckling and we started to work on getting Mary and the baby help. Mary wasn’t doing well so we got the emergency frozen colostrum warmed for the buckling. After about an hour, both seemed to be stable, so we continued with chores.
As I went to feed the bucks and does in a different pen, I discovered Frosty had 2 kids nursing! I called Anna and I quickly commandeered a horse stall and shuffled Frosty with her doeling and buckling to the horse barn. Frosty was specifically surprising because, after we bred her, the bucks kept showing interest and rebreeding her every 3 weeks. If she was pregnant, we didn’t expect kids until June. However, last night, I told Anna “Frosty is starting to build and udder. I guess she is pregnant.”
Then, I got a phone call and had to head in to work to deal with a problem. I left Anna to deal with the 3 new goat kids and chores for the day.
When I called her later in the day to say I was on my way home, she informed me Betty was now in labor. By the time I stopped at the grocery store and picked up a babysitter, it had been almost an hour. I walked in the horse barn to the second commandeered horse stall to find Anna yelling at me “I need help, the kids are stuck!” I took off my jacket, rolled up my sleeves, and headed in.
30 minutes later, another buckling and doeling were on the ground. Betty got some meds and we made sure all the kids were nursing on their mommas. A quick milking of the other does and round chores for us inside and out of the cold. We both ran through the shower and headed out the door to the Dolphin Scholarship Auction. Now, I am sitting here on my iPhone writing this during the auction. We will head home in a while and check on all the kids. Then to bed.
Hopefully tomorrow will have fewer surprises. The next goat isn’t due until April. We think.
Here are some pictures of Frosty’s kids.
Vicki has named the doeling Black Sapphire and Alex named the buckling Bedrock.





Goodbye to cable tv

After a lot of consideration, we are finally saying goodbye to cable tv.  As Anna started to talk about it on FB, it became apparent that we are not alone in our thoughts on this.  We are tired of spending around $230 a month for our “bundled” tv/internet/phone.  By cutting tv, we will save well over $100 a month.  Too often, Anna and I find ourselves sitting in the den at 11:30 at night with some stupid, reality tv or show that is just a ridiculous waste of time.

So, tonight, Anna and I are watching the finale of Biggest Loser.  Tomorrow, the cable boxes go back to Comcast.  We have been prepping the kids for this change.  Maybe we will stick with it for a month, maybe a year, but for now we are going to see how it changes things for our family.

Training Calli #3

8 weeks after my accident, I finally got back in the saddle yesterday afternoon.  While I am still having some issues (specifically migraines) from the concussion, Calli and I needed to get back to work.

I started with groom her in the aisle way of the barn.  One problem we have, is Calli doesn’t respond well to pressure.  When she is cross tied (or tied in a stall or to a trailer…), if she raises her head the halter puts pressure on her poll and she freaks out.  Her immediate response is to pop her head back with enough force to break something.  Sometimes the sacrificial pieces of twine holding the ties break.  Sometimes the leather strap on her halter breaks (3 so far).  Regardless, it is not the type of response I desire in a horse, especially around kids.  As soon as she is free, she is fine, and rarely tries to run out of the barn.  So, for this grooming and tacking up, I let her stand free in the barn.  I held on to the lead rope (careful not to let it tangle my legs or wrap around my hand in case she bolted).  She seemed much less stressed.

Then it was off to the arena.  The farm has been muddy and Calli hasn’t been worked in 8 weeks.  Anna did about 10 minutes with her on the lunge line.  I was concerned that the circling might be more than I could handle and didn’t want to overdo things.  It was good to lunge her first because I was able to watch her move and see what I need to work on.  And she had some energy to work off as well.

Then, it was time to get in the saddle. I was a bit apprehensive.  While I have been thrown, and I have been injured before, I have never suffered an injury from the horses that has been as lasting as the concussion.  Once I got on, we just worked on some walking, turning, and stopping.  I tried to back her, but she still doesn’t understand.  I need to study teaching a horse to back.  I did a few minutes of trot work and that was enough for the first day.  I spent 15 minutes in the saddle, and I really needed that to reconnect with my horse.

Observations and plans:

1.  Calli is very stiff, in particular to the left.  I need to spend a lot of time on suppling exercises and I think we are going to have a chiropractor come do an evaluation.

2.  I need to learn how to teach her backing.  This is a real concern because when out on trails, sometimes she needs to back instead of turning.

3.  I have to focus on encouraging impulsion from behind and collection.  Right now, she doesn’t try to use her rear end to propel us forward.  This is critical to proceed with jumping training this year.  One thing that will be helpful is working on hills.  We ride trails that have some decent hills and that forces her to use her hind end going up the hills.

I was very encouraged by the ride.  We seem to have a connection (that Anna does not share with Calli) and work well together.  I will need to be patient and consistent in the training process.

The story of our lives with horses. And goats.