What is a RAGNAR?

A couple of months ago, some running friends asked me to join their Ragnar Relay Team. From the Ragnar website:

“Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport. A team is made up of 6-12 individuals; each individual runs 3 legs. The legs of the race vary in difficulty and distance, from 3-8 miles, allowing elite and novice runners to run together. Over 2 days and 1 night, teams run across 200 miles of the country’s most scenic terrain. Pair that with crazy costumes, inside jokes, a great finish line party and unforgettable stories. Some call it a slumber party without sleep, pillows or deodorant. We call it Ragnar.”

So today, I will join a large number of people who have decided to pay people for the privilege of running a lot. We are running Cape Cod, from Plymouth, MA to Provincetown, MA for about 186 miles.

I am runner #7 on our team and my total is 24 miles. Hopefully I will still be able to walk when this is over.

Putting the brakes on

Literally. I stopped at Tractor Supply this afternoon to pick up about 1000lbs of feed. As I was parking, the brakes went soft and felt odd. I backed up and drove forward again, and heard a metal noise under the truck. I hopped out to to find brake pads laying under the right rear wheel.
I decided not to load a bunch of feed into the truck, and instead limped home.
Tomorrow morning I will finish replacing the pads, rotors, and calipers. Then I might check the front brakes…

Musical horses?

This week has involved a number of horse rides, but few on the normal mount pairings. On Monday, I did a trail ride with the kids – Alex on Devil, Vicki on Precious, and Amanda with me on King. Tonight, I went for a run with Amanda in the jogging stroller and came home to Vicki trotting around bareback, Alex riding King, and Anna on Precious. Amanda actually is happy riding with anyone that will let her up, and Alex thinks it is tons of fun to ride with his little sister. When they were on King together, no matter how much Alex kicked, King wouldn’t move until I let him know it was OK to walk around.

I guess it’s good to build confidence on different horses!

Farewell to Turbo

Today Turbo left us. While we still had longer we could keep him on trial, there were a few specific issues that led us to realize he wasn’t the right long term horse. For now, instead of seeking a new horse, we are going to ride King and focus on more lessons for Rob on advanced school horses.

Thomas Caleb Sawyer

We are sad that Thomas Caleb Sawyer will not be living and growing up with us here on Earth. However we are comforted in the knowledge that we will see him again in Heaven. While the outcome has not been as we hoped, we are at peace. The EEG that was done Saturday night at 6 was flat, however, the official reading of the EEG has not taken place, the results were very obvious to the nurses, technician and to Benji & Beka. Based on all the information, we expect all the other clinical exams that will take place today and Monday morning to officially say that Thomas is brain-dead will confirm what we already know.

Benji & Rebekah had already decided that if Thomas was not going to be able to survive, the best case of the worst case options would be for Thomas to be an organ donor. The organ donor team is now preparing for the Monday morning official report. The donor testing and matching process will begin today, however, we are not sure how long it will take for the nation-wide recipient matching. Thomas will remain on life support until this process is completed. After that, Benji & Rebekah have decided they will have Thomas cremated and have a memorial service. The timing of the service will likely not be decided until after transplant phase has been completed.

Our prayers now are for continued peace and comfort for our family as the grieving process continues. Also, please pray the doctors and families who will be the recipients of the life that Thomas will not be able to experience, but that Benji, Rebekah and Thomas are so loving giving.

contributed by Liz Sawyer

The story of our lives with horses. And goats.