I won a scholarship!

Previously I posted about starting my formal education as a horse hoof trimmer. Even though I have 7 years of experience, I know learning is a continuous process. The Equine Sciences Academy is the group I was most impressed with due to the diversity of the curriculum and their acknowledgement of how multiple right answers exist. I started classes in June and have enjoyed them so far.

I was recently informed that I am the 2012 recipient of the Armed Services Academy Scholarship. This will be used to pay for my tuition for the next 2 terms and help me continue with y goal of being a full time trimmer after I retire from the Navy.

What I learned at Cub Scout camp

I have spent the week at Camp Tadma with 4 Webelos (including Alex). Growing up, I spent 2 summers working on summer camp staff, and attended camp every year except one. Therefore, the idea of what to expect at camp what not new to me. I have also previously attended Camp Tadma as a Day Camp leader. The program at camp has definitely improved over years past. Even so, I Iearned things about myself as a parent and the society we live in.
1. Fitness is no longer important to society as a whole. I would estimate that only about 25% of the leaders at camp were physically fit. While most of the staff was in decent condition, the overweight staff were obese, not just overweight.
2. The rules don’t apply to everyone. It is disappointing to see how many leaders are willing to allow their group to do things directly contrary to camp policies. For example, pocket knives are prohibited in camp for all scouts some groups not only allowed knives, they permitted knife usage in ways against BSA policies.
3. The foundation of scouting principles is lost on many parents. For example, the 9-10 year olds that came to camp with 12 sodas for the week. The parents that came to camp 3 times to visit their kids and refill the candy and snack supplies. The scouts that brought suitcases of toys.
4. A surprising number of problem scouts have involved parents. The behavior problems, such as tantrums, are overly tolerated by other leaders because the scout’s parent is present.
5. “Tough Love” builds more responsible kids. The scouts that are obviously held accountable at home are overall better behaved and more respectful. While this seems pretty obvious, it is reaffirmation of what I believe to be correct.

I know Alex enjoys scouting, and I know the things I teach him and other scouts I learned from my own scouting experience. However, I frequently find myself wondering if I am spending too much time parenting others instead of focusing on my own family.

A sad goodbye

While I am away at Cub Scout camp this week, it was almost certain something would go wrong. Yesterday afternoon Anna found Baron, our Collie mix of 13 years, in the yard unable to stand. He was groaning in pain and refused to eat or drink. We had known this day was coming soon, but it doesn’t make it easier. He had severe arthritis and a large tumor in his belly. We made the decision that we needed to let him go.

So, in less than a year since losing Daisy, we now say goodbye to our first child, Baron. We got Baron as a puppy shortly after getting married in 1999 and he’s been with us ever since.

He was the dog that patiently let our kids learn about pets. I don’t recall him ever snapping at a child, but would always get in between me and Anna or a kid if I raised my voice.

Eventually there will be a new dog, after all, dogs are the only animal allowed inside. We won’t replace him, only remember him.
Goodbye Baron.

Freedom Ranger wrap up

This morning, we harvested the remaining Freedom Rangers that we were raising for meat. Here is the summary:
We started with 51 birds. None died from sickness. None suffered broken legs from excessive growth. We lost 6 due to predators (raccoon pulling birds through the side of the chicken tractor at night).
23 were harvested at 10 weeks old and averaged 3.7lbs (mostly roosters)
22 were harvested at 12 weeks old and averaged 3.95lbs (all hens).
The birds consumed 900 lbs of feed.
Therefore, it took 900 lbs of feed to raise 172 lbs of meat for a 5.24:1 conversion.
Average live to package weight was 65%.
29 of the 45 birds were sold and the rest reside in our own freezer.

We also harvested 9 heritage breed roosters this morning that were approximately 4 months old. The average weight was closer to 3.5lbs, the body cavities were smaller, breasts smaller, legs larger, and I suspect the meat will be slightly tougher. Since we cook almost all chickens in the crock pot, that doesn’t matter as much. The biggest difference is the heritage birds are not nearly as nasty as the meat birds.

We are torn about what kind of birds to raise next. Freedom Rangers are off the list. If we are raising meat birds, we might as well do the Cornish cross. However, we don’t really like the meat birds as much as the heritage breeds.

A lot of Firsts!

Alex had his first horse show at the North Stonington Fair!  He rode Precious in 3 walk-trot classes and got 2-4ths and a 3rd.  His favorite part? Getting the ribbons.

Vicki had her first horse show at the North Stonington Fair! She rode King in a lead line class, with me as the lead holder.  She got third and can’t wait to show more.  She is actually ready to show in walk-trot, but Devil needs a little more reovery time first.

Anna had her first student enter a show!  Kenzie rode Precious in the lead line class with Vicki.  It was also her first show ever and she had a ton of fun!

Since King was already there, I rode him in 5 classes.  I managed to get 1st in 2 of the classes and won Grand Champion in the English division.

6 of our rabbits got 1st place in the rabbit show at the North Stonington Fair, and one also got Runner Up for Open Show Champion!

After about a year of owning goats, we finally sold our first goat.  That was followed about 30 minutes later with our second and third sales of goats to a different family.

Tomorrow we will have our first goat show!  The main focus for tomorrow is to learn about showing and make sure Vicki and Alex have fun doing it.

To the fair!

It’s North Stonington Fair time! This is our first fair experience showing animals. We have been busy for the last few days making final preps. 6 rabbits are about to get delivered to their cages and will stay until Sunday night. The kids get to do unlimited rides tonight.

We will probably go tomorrow evening, but first we will be prepping horses. Saturday morning is the horse show. Vicki will be riding lead line on King since Devil is still not healed enough to show. Alex will be riding Precious, and Anna even has a student riding Precious in the lead line class. This will be Alex and Vicki’s first horse show. I may enter with King if there are other adults showing.
Then, Sunday is the goat show. We are taking 5 goats (2 for Vicki and 3 for Alex). This will be our first goat show!

We have a busy weekend ahead!

Fresh cheese and a movie


Anna and I enjoy sitting down after a long day and enjoying a glass of red wine and some goat cheese. Until recently, we were buying our goat cheese at the grocery store for $5-6 for 4oz! We have finally gotten back into making our own cheese. It is very easy and we use real lemon juice to curdle the milk. After a night of draining in cheese cloth, we salt the cheese, add some fresh garlic, and roll the cheese in fresh herbs. The biggest complication is we will run out of fresh herbs!

Now to sit back and enjoy Pete Ramey teaching about hoof trimming. What else would you watch before bed?


Couples therapy

For the past few months, Anna and I have missed the opportunity to take the horses on a trail ride without the kids. This is because we have been without two horses for us to ride. While the lower feed bill has been nice, we really missed our time to ride as a couple and as a whole family.
On Monday, Calli (Calliope) came to join us. We have her on a free lease for now as we evaluate if she is right for us. Calli is a 5 year old, 16.1hh, thoroughbred mare. She has some arena experience, but is definitely more green than horses I have worked with in the past. So far, after 2 rides, we are getting along well.
Since it was raining this morning, we rearranged some plans and Anna and I went trail riding this afternoon. To my knowledge, this was only Calli’s second trail ride. We got her to do a small water crossing and did some canter work in a nice open field. She did very well and Anna and I were able to enjoy the afternoon out.



It’s disappointing when…

We live on a country road and have offered eggs for sale at the end of the driveway for about a year and a half. In May, we had our cooler stolen. We keep a smaller soft side cooler inside a big hard cooler. They left the soft cooler and eggs, but took the money.
Last night, we had the soft cooler with 3 doz eggs taken – this time the replacement hard cooler was left.
On many other occasions, we have had money or eggs disappear. It hasn’t been a big deal, but when we have to keep replacing coolers, there is no point in selling eggs.
It’s disappointing that you can’t even sell eggs without stuff getting stolen. We will now have to move the cooler next to the house or stop selling entirely.

The story of our lives with horses. And goats.