Precious Driving


Precious is our red little pony, well technically chestnut, and we’ve had her for 4 years now. She is in her mid teens somewhere and probably some kind of Quarter pony mix. She has lots of go and has never really been a beginner pony. She loves to trail ride and used to do some barrels. Alex loves this pony. Last fall she started rearing in the ring when asked to trot. Faced with safety issues for the kids we gave her some time off, which didn’t solve the issue. She has had massage and chiropractic adjustment which revealed lower back and pelvic pain, as well as tightness around the withers and chest. She is also fat and out of shape with a significant swayback. So, Precious is going to do some driving and I’m going to do some ground work with her to get her back in shape and lift her back. Alex is going to ride her on walking trail rides.We aquired a harness and cart this past week and have started ground driving. The kids are excited to be working on something new. Vicki wants to get the other ponies driving too.  And yes, Precious may just be acting up and be ring sour, but we are going to get her in shape and let me (Anna) ride her some and see if she behaves better. Stay tuned for updates.

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Family tradition

This weekend, Alex and I have been camping with his Arrow of Light den and members of Troop 20 from Griswold. After we moved, I gave Alex the choice of finishing with his old den, moving to the local Pack, or dropping out of scouts. He chose to move to the new Pack so he would know more boys at school and when he continued into the Troop. So, we are camping at the Camporee this weekend.
Of note, we have a basic grey chuck box with us. It doesn’t stand out compared to many that are around other sites, but this one has a panther painted on the lid. My father, Alex’s grandfather, built that chuck box when he was in the panther patrol almost 50 years ago. And so, the tradition continues. Thanks Dad.




The story of our lives with horses. And goats.