Chili started us off on the tail end of our main kidding frenzy last Sunday with triplets. She had two bucks, one black with red, and one black with tan, and one little chocolate doe. They weighed in at 8, 7, and 5.6 pounds. Chili looks great and her udder has increased in size this year, she is really putting in the pail!

Chili’s kids have been named Biscotti, Tiramisu(doe), and Cannoli.

Carolina went into labor on Monday evening and delivered a large 9 pound single doe. We were concerned she had slipped her pregnancy earlier this spring because she was not very large. I guess she was just hiding that one little doe in her big body (Carolina is 160 pounds plus). We named the doe Creme Brulee, or C.B. for short. C.B. is a light chamoisee color and will likely clip a little darker and look more brown. But she is adorable here in this baby coat.

The kids are now a week old and have been disbudded and are transitioning to the lambar buckets. It’s no secret that Tiramisu is “mine” and C.B. is Rob’s favorite. They will both be nice does.
Tiramisu pedigree:
C.B. pedigree:

We have two more goats due to kid this year. Next up is Ferrari with a due date of April 3. She is bred to Sawfish Crete, Carolina’s son, so expect some black and tan goats. Bali is our milking yearling this year, she is due at the end of April, carrying twins by Blue Farmhouse Apollo. Fingers crossed for at least one more doe to keep, but time will tell. Most of all we want easy nose n’ toes deliveries and healthy mamas and babies. And maybe some color babies from Bali…