Sewing Breyer blankets…

After Vicki finished her home work this morning she begged me to help her make some blankets for her Breyer model horses. So we used some left over fabric from the pillow case project and some bias tape and sew on velcro to make some fabulous blankets. Vicki did ALL the sewing. I helped with some of the pinning and taught her how to make a pattern. She’s really happy with the outcome.







Gardening in February

Yesterday, Alex and I built a new growing rack for Anna to use with seedlings.  We have had a couple of different setups for the past few years, but they were not quite what Anna wanted.  A few years back, I got 2 4-bulb fluorescent fixtures for free.  They were already modified with plugs, and they have been the grow lights (using the daylight style bulbs).  The problem is situating the plants under the lights and suspending the lights at the right height.

So, Anna gave me a sketch of what she wanted.  I made a few modifications based on available wire we already had and the actual dimensions of the intended setup location (next to the fireplace in the living room).  And off to the store I went.  Total assembly took just under 3 hours, and almost half that was getting the lights suspended just right.  Each shelf is 3’x5′ and can hold up to 9 seedling trays.  Anna intends to use the top shelf for supply storage since there isn’t a light on that shelf – so 18 seedling trays is the limit.   The unit is on wheels so it can be removed from the nook easily.

The new order of seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company also arrived in the mail yesterday.  28 packs of seeds.  Luckily, we already had some so we didn’t have to buy all new seeds this year.  The box shows what Anna will be planting as seedlings.  The ones on the table go straight into the ground.  I am particularly looking forward to our plans for a large heirloom corn crop this year.

If anyone has a good phone app recommendation for tracking what was planted, how it grew, and how it tasted, please let us know.  Otherwise we might have to use paper!  Now if only the snow would melt so we can find the garden…

Fun in the Snow

Today we spent some time enjoying the snow instead of shoveling it. The sun was shining and the kids rode the ponies bareback in the snow. Then I got King out and drug the kids around on a sled for a while. He is such a good boy!!
Tomorrow we will be back to shoveling as there is another storm approaching.


















My struggle with fitness

Anna thinks I have hobby ADHD.  She is right.  I also tend to get obsessed/addicted to the current focus.  I definitely have a problem wavering back and forth when I don’t have a clear goal.  I am a goal oriented person, and without a goal, I get despondent and lazy.  There are always reasons excuses.  2 years ago I suffered what turned out to be a rather severe concussion.  I’m not sure I will ever be completely the same again (note I didn’t say NORMAL).  However, in the last 2 years, I have gained about 15 lbs and I’m really starting to notice the effects of my reduced fitness.  In particular, in my trimming career, I don’t hold up to a day of trimming as well as before.

My blood work numbers have been creeping up, and I really want to avoid all the bad that comes with that.  I would much rather do it working out than with meds.  It is time for my obsession to take a health focus again, like it did from 2009-2011.

Therefore, I have set some tentative goals for this year with regards to my fitness.

1. Get back to 175 lbs or less (Jan 1 weight 183 for accountability).  I want this to be a reasonable and achievable goal.  I found 175 to be a good maintenance weight for me.  Racing weight is under 170.

2. Ride at least a metric century (100 km) bike ride this summer.  This may be a training ride instead of an event.  Maybe CHUCK CURTIS will join with me on this goal!  In 2010 I rode the 100 km Tour de Cure for Diabetes.  I MIGHT do that again this June.

3.  I have a specific event in September that I want to do.  But I need to tri some working out for a little while before I commit.  I have found forking over $$ to be a good motivator for goals, so stayed tuned for the final goal.


Christmas 2014

Christmas this year was a small affair.  No familiy visiting from out of town, and no where we had to be.  On Christmas Eve, we joined the Smith’s, owners of Cedars of Lebanon Farm, or their annual Christmas Eve brunch.  It has become a holiday event we look forward to.  The fact that their daughter Natalie is in culinary school and uses the brunch to showcase recipes doesn’t hurt.

After we got home, Vicki set to work baking the cookies for Santa, sugar cookies with a pepermint glaze are the appropriate recipe.

That evening, we headed to North Stonington Congregational Church to see some old friends at the evening service, and then back home for a traditional Swedish dinner that Anna put together.  We had meatballs with cranberry sauce (she couldn’t find lingonberry jam locally), ham, potatoes, pickled herring, pickled salmon, and pickles.  Afterwards, the kids got to open 1 present, plus their new pj’s from Grandma and Grandpa.  A fire in the fireplace seemed like a good idea, but as the evening progressed, the temperature outside climbed to almost 60F.  Turbo joined us fo the reading of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.

We told the kids before they went to bed, no presents would be opened on Christmas morning until the animals at had to been checked on and horses fed hay.  The rest of the chores would be deferred to later in the morning.

At 7:30, the kids came into our room to wake us up.  The horses had been fed their hay and Alex had actually completed all his morning chores.  Vicki went to make a pot of coffee for us while we got ready to join them for presents.

After opening gifts, the kids got to play with their new toys.  Since it was in the low 60s, Anna and I decided to head outside and spend 6 hours on a fencing project.  We significantly collapsed the goat paddock and gave a most of the back property to the horses.   By the time we came in well after dark, we were ready for a simple dinner of farm fresh eggs and bacon.

We were also surprised with a very nice gift from some friends and found the perfect spot for our new addition in the kitchen.


Today was spent loading hay in the barn, loading shavings, riding horses, and time at the gun range.  Merry Christmas from our family to yours, and have a Happy New Year!


How to use a travel trailer in the winter

1. Store Christmas presents from Amazon in travel trailer and lock doors.
2. Sneak presents from shopping trips into travel trailer and re-lock doors.
3. Move wrapping supplies into trailer.
4. Turn on heat the afternoon before wrapping.
5. Let the kids watch a new movie on tv.
6. Mom and Dad wrap presents in with soothing Christmas music and no interruptions.
7.  Store presents in trailer until ready to put under the tree.
8. Merry Christmas!





Trail Sundays

This afternoon I (Anna), Alex, Vicki and Alexis took the ponies on a trail ride. Living next to Pachaug State Forest really has its advantages. It was a perfect not too cold December day for a trail ride. The ponies were all feeling good and walking through the brooks and puddles from the recent rains. We went a little faster too…and everyone stayed on. It’s kinda fun now that the kids are older and can stay with their ponies a bit better and handle the occasional frisky moment. Fresh air, the sound of rustling leaves,  filtered sunlight, really can’t beat it. Now with two 9-10 year olds  it wasn’t quiet but enjoyable.






Christmas Season is here

Anna’s parents,  Roland and Sylvia have been visiting for Vicki’s birthday and Thanksgiving. Now that the turkey leftovers are almost gone,  Anna started getting out decorations and Sylvia made gingerbread with the kids. Swedish gingerbread cookies are much thinner than American style. And the flavor is different,  including cardemom, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.







Vicki’s birthday


Today was Vicki’s 9th birthday.  She left with Anna early this morning to go to the Big E in Springfield MA for a dog show with Turbo.  There was a special 4-H class: Vicki got 4th in 8-10 year old showmanship.  They got to participate in an AKC agility clinic and a junior handling clinic.  They also watched some showing, obedience, and agility trials.

After she got home, it was time for presents.  Dinner was her favorite: venison steak and mashed potatoes.  And of course cake for dessert!  Enjoy the pictures







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Amateur Radio

In high school, I was very active in scouts.  I remember a particular camporee in the fall of 1993 where a group of amateur radio operators were set up and using antennas up in trees to talk to people all over the world.  I thought it was the most amazing thing.  Of course, that was before we had ready access to the internet and cell phones were bricks that could only be used as phones.  That experience encouraged me to study and pass my Technician Plus license exam the next summer.  I saved and bought a handheld radio that operated on the 2m bands.  I even took that radio with me to Philmont Scout Ranch on a backpacking expedition.

When I went to the Naval Academy, I chose electrical engineering as my major – primarily influenced by my exposure to amateur radio.  The Academy had an amateur radio club and I participated a little my first year, but it was a hobby that faded and fell by the wayside.  Eventually, I sold my radio and my license expired in 2004.

As Anna will attest, I never truly give up a hobby, I just set them aside for a while.  With concerns over communications during disasters (hurricanes, winter storms, etc), I decided to get back into the world of amateur radio.  I also think it is something that Alex will be interested in and I would prefer he focus on this instead of watching Minecraft YouTube videos.  He is particularly interested in the idea of building antennas and putting the circuits together.

So, on Wednesday, I took my licensing exam and passed all the way through General.  That gives me good operating privileges on UHF, VHF, and HF.  I’m starting out with a new 2m handheld (Wouxun KG-UV8D shown in the picture below) like before; it’s amazing how costs have actually come down!  Now, I just need my license to show up in the FCC database and I can go on the air.  I hope to find a good deal on a HF setup and show the kids there is life outside the internet.

Edit: my license came through and my call sign is KC1CVO

wouxun kg-uv8d

The story of our lives with horses. And goats.