With temps in the 70s on the second day of Spring, the kids just had to have the slip-n-slide out.
Anna now offers riding lessons!
Anna now offers riding lessons for kids! We will be taking a limited number of students for lessons during the week and on Saturdays. For details, including pricing, please see our horse page.
Cinder has a new family
Today we had a woman who lives only a few miles away come and meet Cinder. She understands the possibly issues with his legs and has decided she would like to have him on her farm. She is very experienced with horses and has 2 other horses already. Since we felt comfortable with her knowledge and experience, we have agreed to give her Cinder. After 11 years in our family, Cinder will move to a new family on Wednesday afternoon.
Relaxing trail ride
This afternoon the temps were in the low 50s so I saddled up King, Alex got Precious, and Vicki prepped Devil. The 3 of us went out for a 45min trail ride. What made this ride different is we went exploring on new trails the horses had not seen and to get there, we have to walk 1/2 mile of road.
The ponies did great along the road. Vicki was a little nervous during the ride, but Devil wasn’t. Better than the other way around.
Along the trail, we came to a water crossing. After a little initial refusal, King finally decided it was safe to cross. Both ponies crossed without a care.
Then we rode around some open fields. King was full of spunk, so we did some cantering circles and a little galloping across the fields while the ponies walked the edges. Alex and Precious did a little trot work, but Vicki decided to just walk (Devil was fine with that).
In the end, it was a great confidence booster for the kids and reaffirms that we have excellent ponies.
Hard boiled eggs
So I think we’ve found the answer to having hard boiled eggs from our farm fresh eggs without sticking them in the back of the fridge for a week or two. Apparently steaming them instead of boiling and then immediately dunking them in ice water works wonders. The ice water should have plenty of ice in it to stay cold. Yeah no more sticky shells!
Meat chickens
In addition to using eggs, we decided to try our hand at processing our chickens for meat. In 2011, we processed 42 chickens for our family in the late summer and early fall. At the time, we rented a plucker to remove the feathers. Since then, we have built our own plucker. It takes us about 10 minutes on average to go from a live bird to a shrink-wrapped product for the freezer.
This year, we will offer meat chickens for sale to others. We raise excess dual purpose breed roosters for meat. While there are a number of meat specific breeds available, most notably the cornish cross, we choose to stick with heritage, natural breeds that can be reproduced on our farm. There are no risks of broken legs from excessive growth, heart attack from overeating, etc. It takes 4-5 months to raise a rooster for harvest, and that will result in a 3lb average weight bird. We sell live birds and offer custom slaughter.
See the Sale Page for pricing and ordering.
Chick hatching on the farm – our homemade hatcher in use
Since we decided to get a little more serious about hatching chicks this year, we needed to increase our capacity. Chicks require a 21 day incubation period. We prefer to use an automatic turner in the incubator to eliminate the need to manually turn eggs 3-4 times a day. On day 18, you put the eggs on “lockdown” which means removing the turner and letting the eggs sit still until they hatch. While a basic still air incubator is made of styrofoam and doesn’t have a fan works fine for the entire cycle, it is actually limited to about 25 days. That’s because the nominal 21 day incubation results in some hatches out to about day 23. Then you have to clean it out, reload, etc.
For the initial part of the incubation period, the humidity is kept around 40%. From lockdown on, it needs to be around 75%. A limitation of the still air incubator is they don’t do well at trying to raise the humidity.
Our solution was to move the eggs to a different location to hatch. That means the incubator with automatic turner stays in operation. Now at day 18, eggs go into the hatcher and the incubator gets new eggs. Since we are running 2 incubators with turners, we have 41 eggs going to hatch every 9 days (once the cycle is in progress).
Here is our homemade chick hatcher. It has undergone a few different modifications, but I think the design has stabilized for a while.
The hatcher is made from an old beer fridge I got from a bar (for free). The compressor was no good, so I removed the compressor and cooling coils.
I reversed the polarity of the fan so it draws air up through the unit instead of blowing on the top shelf. I also added a rheostat to make it a variable speed fan.
I kept the fluorescent light so we can see the chicks hatching. Since the bar planned to reuse the shelves in a new unit, I made shelves out of 2x2s and wire mesh. Since I took these pictures, we did change to a basket setup instead of the cat litter boxes so the air circulates better.
I installed a floor air conditioning register in the side to allow for fresh air to enter the unit as the chicks hatch. The cables you see going in are for the digital thermostat and humidistat. You can see the small controller on the side in the first picture (it is blue). The digital controller was $70, but absolutely worth the improvement.
The heat source is a 125 Watt heat lamp that I wired into the bottom. We are using a humidifier in the bottom to keep the humidity in the appropriate range. The digital controller regulates the temperature within about 1 degree and the humidity within about 5%.
The total cost of materials was about $100 and the end result is a hatcher that gives up plenty of room to increase production in the future and we got an 80% hatch rate out of our last batch of eggs. Using a still air incubator, our best ever was about 60%.
Officially Farming!
How do you know farming has a new role in life? 2 words – tax exempt. That’s right, today in the mail we received our tax exempt approval from the State of CT. And it was just in time, because I had a 10% off coupon for Tractor Supply that expired tomorrow. Well I grabbed that new money-saving sheet and the coupon and an hour later I was home with a truck full of fencing supplies and about 700lbs of feed. Now if only I had the time to put the fencing up…
Every weekend should be 4 days
2 day weekends are junk. There is hardly enough time to really get started on anything, let alone complete a project. If we always had Friday to get ready for the projects, and Monday to wrap them up, we would get a lot more accomplished around here. Instead, Friday I was at work (all day) and then loaded the barn with hay after I got home.
Anna did some running around on Saturday morning, so I was basically inside watching kids. I did help with some cleaning in the house.
Saturday night was date night at the Dolphin Scholarship Auction. It was a lot of fun and we even bought a couple of things for ourselves (including a wine tasting at Jonathon Edwards Winery just around the corner from our house).
We had chicks hatching this weekend, unfortunately, the results were quite poor. I recently completed build a new hatcher for the chick operations. This was the first batch to hatch inside, and we discovered some design flaws. Monday night is overhaul for the hatcher because the next batch will move in for hatching on Tuesday.
2 rabbits had litters on Saturday and we have 9 new additions to the rabbitry. That’s actually low because 1 doe had 11, but only 2 survived. We are not sure what the issue was, so we will be monitoring her performance carefully on the next litter. You know what they say about meat rabbits: you can always eat the mistakes.
Sunday morning was spent working on some chores/cleanup around the farm until Alex and I went to the Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts where Alex received his Bear rank. We also had 2 customers over today for buying chicks. I love having other people who are interested in the self-sustaining movement out to our farm, and while they might show up to buy chicks, we end up talking about goats, rabbits, vegetables, and everything else.
Tonight was project time on the whizbang chicken plucker. It should be complete in another day or so and then we will give it a test run. I plan to have video of the first use.
See what I mean? 2 days didn’t hardly get anything done.
Amanda loves her goat milk
It’s a dreary Saturday morning. Since the morning chores are done and Anna is gone with Vicki for some shopping, I am inside with Alex and Amanda. I was working on researching some plans on the computer when Amanda came and grabbed my arm, repeating “goat milk Betty.” Betty is our only doe in milk right now, and at dinner the other night I was talking with Alex and Vicki about how they should appreciate what Betty provides for us. Apparently Amanda has been listening too. Well, earlier I had actually already poured Amanda a cup of milk, but she wanted it in a different cup. In addition, when I simply transferred her milk from one cup to another, she got very upset. She refused to take the cup from me until I actually added some milk out of the container in the fridge so she could see it was “goat milk Betty”. As soon as I did that, she grabbed the cup and started drinking. Spoiled kid.