Well, if you think it’s been quiet on the horse front, it really hasn’t been quiet. We had some plans to make it to some late season rides, but JJ ended up with a massive leg wound at the end of August. Today, with Amanda home from school, was the first ride JJ has had since the injury.

On August 24 we were going to take JJ and Mojo to a WGHA local ride and JJ came out of the pasture with her leg looking like this:

So, instead of going riding we called our vet out to sedate JJ to be able to clean and assess the wound. It took 2 shots of dorm and three people to be able to clean, debride and bandage her up. The following gallery is a collection of photos over the next two months while this injury was healing up. We initially were able to stuff two pieces of wet gauze inside the void in her leg. By some miracle the tendons were not involved and she was never lame. After that we used honey and dry gauze as the tissue started to fill in the wound. For the first two weeks it took three of us, one holding a feed pan of stress free, one holding her other back foot and one person cleaning and wrapping her wound. She got better after that and as a bonus I am now able to wrap her legs on my own.

During these two months of healing we had a few set backs, as you can see, JJ developed some excessive granulation tissue or proud flesh, and we treated it with two phovia treatments and equiaide and the proud flesh got much better. BUT, as we continued to use equiaide it crusted over and allowed an infection to brew, and we ended up debriding the wound again. I started using a microcyn hydrogel and wonder dust and scrubbing the wound for a few days and it dried up again. A few weeks ago we tried to stop bandaging a little too early apparently and JJ’s leg swelled up and got hot again. A thorough cleaning, some bute and more bandaging later, we were finally able to stop bandaging this week. Her leg is a little scuzzy from being wrapped for so long, but has stayed cold and tight all week. So Amanda got to go for a short walking ride today. This is what the leg looks like now, pretty much all covered in skin.

How did she get this wound? Our guess is, she rubbed her butt on a batten that split and pierced her vulva, sending her flying and scrambling, using her hind shoes to rip up her leg. We found the batten at the right height and a wound under her tail, and she was in heat, so that’s the story for now.
Hopefully, fingers crossed, healing goes smoothly from here. Life with horses is never dull.