I work in the War Gaming Department at the Naval War College. The topics covered in war games we produce are as diverse as the military missions. Some are more conference like discussions. Some are purely experiential for the players. But occasionally, we play a game for the staff.
Every year, the staff plays a game based on the Battle of Trafalgar. Families are invited to attend, however, since it is normally during the day, kids are usually in school. Since we home school now, Alex and Vicki got to play the Battle of Trafalgar yesterday. Alex did a history lesson about the battle itself in prep for the game (in fact he knew more about the battle than most of the staff playing).
The kids had a great time and Alex actually won the cannonball award for the most kills in the battle.
In the evening, we went to the Voluntown Trunk or Treat. It was nice because the kids got their fill of trick or treating (it was chilly) and we were back home before 7. Alex spent almost 2 weeks making his costume. He laid out a grid and painted every square on the costume.