Category Archives: Uncategorized

Truck batteries

My F350 has 2 batteries. Big batteries. It takes a lot of power to turn over a 7.3L diesel engine. Since I bought my Jetta for commuting the truck doesn’t get driven as much.
Our horse trailer has been in the shop for 3+ weeks getting service, repairs, and some custom work I wanted done to make it a little nicer. Tomorrow after work I will pick it up. This will be the second time it has been driven this month. So, since it usually needs to be jumped to crank after a week or two in these temps, I decided to check tonight instead of before work. It was dead. As in less than 8V in the battery. And then the jumper cables melted the contacts in the cable clamps trying to recharge the truck.
Time for new heavier cables. And probably 2 new batteries.  I wish batteries would last more than 18 months in this truck.

Kid chores

The kids have to help daily with animal chores, but as they have been getting a little older, the scope of chores has expanded. Since it was a snow day and we were all home, Alex and Vicki cooked lunch. Vicki made Swedish pancakes and Alex cooked waffles – Vicki already has her recipe memorized. Alex quizzed Anna and wrote it down to reference (no mixes).
Afterwards, Alex read to Amanda for rest time and Vicki listened in too.

Supposedly they are cooking dinner tonight.

Precious Driving


Precious is our red little pony, well technically chestnut, and we’ve had her for 4 years now. She is in her mid teens somewhere and probably some kind of Quarter pony mix. She has lots of go and has never really been a beginner pony. She loves to trail ride and used to do some barrels. Alex loves this pony. Last fall she started rearing in the ring when asked to trot. Faced with safety issues for the kids we gave her some time off, which didn’t solve the issue. She has had massage and chiropractic adjustment which revealed lower back and pelvic pain, as well as tightness around the withers and chest. She is also fat and out of shape with a significant swayback. So, Precious is going to do some driving and I’m going to do some ground work with her to get her back in shape and lift her back. Alex is going to ride her on walking trail rides.We aquired a harness and cart this past week and have started ground driving. The kids are excited to be working on something new. Vicki wants to get the other ponies driving too.  And yes, Precious may just be acting up and be ring sour, but we are going to get her in shape and let me (Anna) ride her some and see if she behaves better. Stay tuned for updates.

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Long ride of the year


I took a few days off work this week to get some projects done around the farm and have some relaxing time too.  Since all the kids were at school/preschool on Tuesday, Anna and I planned a nice long trail ride to explore more of our access to Pachaug State Forest. I have been studying the trail maps and we had plenty of options for our ride.  So we saddled up King and Calli and went out for what was planned to be about 2 hrs.  In the end, we covered 8.5 miles in 2:40.  While galloping up a hill, King managed to overreach and lose one of his hoof boots.  Post accident analysis indicates his hooves are probably about half a size smaller than in the spring.  Good thing we have more boots in inventory.

Here are some pictures from the ride.

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Alpha trials!

While Anna and the kids were in Sweden, I bought a new toy. I believe the comment when we pulled in the driveway was “Why is there a travel trailer parked in the yard?” 
That’s right, I bought a 29′ toy hauler without telling my wife. We got it because we are now spending more weekends at fairgrounds showing the goats and rabbits. And who doesnt need a travel trailer.
Since we have a fair next weekend, this weekend is alpha trials at Hopeville Pond State Park, all of 2 miles from home. It makes it easy to go home and do chores and pick up things we want to add to trailer. In fact, since we didn’t make reservations we actually have to break camp in the morning and go home then come back later to a different site. That’s fine, we didn’t plan to site here all day.






