Meat chickens

In addition to using eggs, we decided to try our hand at processing our chickens for meat.  In 2011, we processed 42 chickens for our family in the late summer and early fall.  At the time, we rented a plucker to remove the feathers.  Since then, we have built our own plucker.  It takes us about 10 minutes on average to go from a live bird to a shrink-wrapped product for the freezer. 

This year, we will offer meat chickens for sale to others.  We raise excess dual purpose breed roosters for meat.  While there are a number of meat specific breeds available, most notably the cornish cross, we choose to stick with heritage, natural breeds that can be reproduced on our farm.  There are no risks of broken legs from excessive growth, heart attack from overeating, etc.  It takes 4-5 months to raise a rooster for harvest, and that will result in a 3lb average weight bird.  We sell live birds and offer custom slaughter. 

See the Sale Page for pricing and ordering.

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