The love of reading.

As a child I loved to read. I would go to the library and come home with lots of books on the newest topic of interest, or some novels to read. I spent many nights up late reading. Then I would sleep late. I am still a night owl and I am trying to get back into pleasure reading but I am so darn tired I always fall asleep when trying to read at night.
Today I took my kids down to the library. They love to go and immediately disappear in search of their next read. Alex goes upstairs to the young adult section because he’s read most of what interests him downstairs in the juvenile section. Vicki goes off in search of her next horse book or Nancy Drew. Amanda picks out two books quickly and then plays quietly. The library volunteers and the youth librarian recognizes us. In a town with a school the size of Griswold’s this is pretty sad. We go once a week on average, because my kids read a lot. Alex devours books. Vicki will not go to bed most nights without finishing the book she is reading. Amanda insists on two stories before bed. I strongly believe that video games and TV are rotting our children’s brains. Alex reports that is all the boys in his class talk about.
So why do you wonder do I not buy a kindle or nook instead of constantly going to the library? Well we had a tablet with a Kindle reader on it and Alex was a fan, but the kids broke the screen, and we refuse to replace it until they’ve earned the money back. I just don’t want their eyes staring at a screen for hours. The feel of a real book and the library experience is important. The unusual quiet that enters the house after a library trip is priceless.

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